R&P has developed a strong niche in the energy surety markets over the past ten years. R&P writes bonds on behalf of two of the top five oil managers, two of the top five multi-national commodity traders, four Fortune 500 power and gas utility companies, and numerous renewable energy developers, both small and large. As an advisor, we guide our energy companies to make sure the collateral they post is the most advantageous from a pricing and liquidity perspective. For our clients, we do a full advisory analysis to help determine how best to collateralize their business from a pricing and liquidity standpoint, making the most advantageous use of surety, bank lines, and standby letters of credit. R&P has extensive experience replacing LCs with various bond solutions for Power Purchase Agreements, Interconnection Agreements, Land Remediation Agreements, Firm Transportation Agreements, ISO/RTO obligations, and various other wholesale commodity purchase and sale agreements, both within the U.S. and internationally.